2012年10月31日 星期三

How you can take care of a Jewel necklace

Pearls certainly are a timeless classic, beautiful on every lady and basically as versatile and necessary since the proverbial black clothes. While using proper maintenance and care, you'll be able to turn your little acquisition of style in to a lifetime accessory that could later be considered a treasured family heirloom.

1,Follow this little suggestion I triggered through the pearl and crystal necklace salesperson who offered me my pearls: when dressing, pearls will be the last factor you apply to as well as the first factor you're taking off.
2,Safeguard them from products. Spritz on any hair in addition to body dental oral sprays before you apply to your jewel necklace.
3,Wipe them off. If you go without your jewel necklace, take advantage of the soft cloth to gently remove the body oils that could develop, resulting in your pearls' shine to dull.
4,Put them under frequently. The luster from the jewel necklace will simply convey more beautiful with repeated placed on.
5,Store them carefully. Keep your pearls in the lined jewelry box using their company jewelry for instance gems, that could scratch a pearl's delicate surface.
6,Have your necklace restrung every one or two years having a professional pearl and crystal necklace salesperson. Make certain to specify the pearls be restrung using genuine silk thread additionally to knotted individually to prevent losing pearls whenever your strand break.
In case you accidentally get product, makeup or other chemical products inside your pearls, wipe immediately getting a moist (not wet) cloth, and lay flat to dry.

If you feel your pearls need a thorough cleaning, make certain to acquire a jewelry cleaner particularly produced for jewel jewelry.
Don't bathe, shower or frolic in the water within your pearls. Connection with water can weaken the silk thread making it break.
For extended-term storage don't keep your pearls in the safety deposit box, that could cause them to dry up.

2012年10月25日 星期四

Electric car "an umbrella" has hidden troubles

Temperatures continue to rise, "hold" a wide range of umbrellas electric cars can be seen everywhere in the urban areas. Sunscreen, to protect myself at the same time, you know that the umbrellas may bring security risks? Police said that the installation of umbrellas on stand for bike, will affect the balance and braking of the vehicle, and planted a safety hazard to the rider, and is likely to cause traffic accidents.
Block line of sight accident
Yesterday morning, the very fact that people told reporters the day before yesterday, she riding electric car to go out, when under a light rain, she put open umbrellas installed in the electric car. In the line to the city of White Bridge Road and Zhonghua Road intersection, the very fact is that turning umbrellas blocking the line of sight. See the road and hit the other car driving electric cars.
"I have repeatedly found the umbrellas to block the line of sight, but did not care, did not expect or accident." Ms. Zhang said, many women like umbrellas installed in the electric car. This will not only shade but also to keep off the rain, but there are also a lot of security risks.
To install electric cars umbrellas very common
Yesterday morning, middle of an electric car repair shop in the city health Road to see the shop in front put up a sign, that read: install electric vehicle umbrellas. Upon inquiry, the reporter was informed that the installation of electric vehicle umbrellas needs 60 dollars.
"Now many female owners install parasols, both shade and rain." A installation master said. Subsequently, the reporter saw a young woman riding the electric car to the repair shop to install parasols bracket.
Reporters found that in urban interview, the many riding electric cars and bicycles Ms. handlebar parts installed parasols. These umbrellas with a special bracket fixed to the electric car, it looks more solid.
Police reminded: traffic safety is very important
Vehicle owners to install umbrellas on stand for bike sunscreen can understand, but traffic safety is first. " the Municipal Public Security Bureau police station in the South China Sea, told reporters that as temperatures continue to rise," hold "a wide range of umbrellas electric cars in urban areas everywhere, because the umbrellas block line of sight caused by small accident happened quite frequently.
The police reminded the majority of female owners install parasols violation Traffic Safety Law. Electric cars, bike after installation umbrellas, the process of moving resistance will increase, easily affected by wind, especially in face of sharp turns, windy or wet roads, umbrellas can easily produce violent shaking of the vehicle lost focus rollover. , Umbrellas in the process of moving block line of sight, to increase the chance of traffic accidents. For their own and others' safety, try not to install in electric cars, bicycles, umbrellas, already installed best to remove it.

Do you know the significance of scissors?

Scissors purposes
Scissors, although not look like much, but a wide range of uses. Knives, shovels and other tools so do not force, shear can easily solve. Scissors has become a tool for people's daily production and life is not suddenly missing. Tailors to cut cloth cut line, village women to paper cutting, the cut metal skin, pastoralists shearing, the gardener pruning Article, coppersmith to stainless steel scissors.
[TCM] scissors, surgical instruments names. Used to cut off the pterygium blood tendons, skin, film. Multi-use steel made
Have you noticed that whenever important events, the opening of major projects and construction completion, the completion of the ceremony, flags fluttering, drum gongs, should certain beauty holding a red silk for human ribbon-cutting. Qualified executive cut, will be the person with the highest status in the presence of the guest of honor, and more generally for government officials. So the scissors became more than a symbol of power and prestige, permission and support of government departments also means that this project, which seems to have "official-oriented scissors" role. Not all of the ribbon-cutting ceremony full of comedy, scissors down, but a farce even farce pick open the records of the curtain. Xinhua News Agency reported that the Jilin City the same boat, "the company suspected of illegal fund-raising 224 million yuan major and cracked, and arrested 27 suspects. Big deceived masses involve in a total of 5,500 people in three provinces of Jilin, Liaoning and Anhui. Had personally played a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the establishment of this liar and later the name of the name of the Government permission to go out "investment", it is in Jilin City leadership. In fact, this "liar" boss long criminal record, if officials in advance about the true face of the person, perhaps not openly armed with stainless steel scissors its big publicity, misleading everyone "shares" cheated. The scissors down, where shearing only been a red silk distinct thousands of people to get rich dream "cut to pieces, their sense of trust in the government will also be cut to pieces.
Visible in the wrong direction, the intention is not right, the scissors will become the "mistaken knife" even "evil knife. Have the opportunity to the public servant of the colored silk enforcement shear lively ceremony must not only for the moment scenery even one o'clock dipping would squint free to "click" together.

2012年10月17日 星期三

Silicone mold’s applications FAQ:

Daily life, we often use silica gel products, such as silicone earplugs, silicone bra, silicone ice mold, grill mold and chocolate / cake mold. silicone tray mold has brought great convenience to our lives, but also some problems.
1. Silicone mold is why there will be fewer molds from?
Add too much in the process of making molds, silicone oil, the destruction of the molecular weight of the silicone mold molds from the number of small and not durable. If you do more complex pattern of small items of products, with hardness silicone mold, there will be fewer phenomenon molds from silicone excellent time very brittle, easily broken. On the contrary, if you do build products with small hardness silicone to do the mold, and that the results will also unsatisfactory. Too soft silicone, its tensile and tear strength will be reduced, made ​​out of the mold will be deformed, will reduce the number of molds from. The tooling gel are good quality, the silicone is not good or bad, only suitable or unsuitable. Suitable product hardness size silicone to make the mold will not appear on this situation.
Why silicone mold appears burn mode?
Because the unsaturated resin and the resin products after the peroxide curing agent is added, in case of resin reaction will produce a lot of heat, the general resin curing time is 3 minutes, so as soon as possible after 3 minutes to stripping, to be able to prevent the silicone mold is not produce the phenomenon of burning mode.
silicone tray mold is filling mold and slice mold making method:
The slice die or chip mode operation method: smoked vacuum silicone construction brushing or perfusion method. If you do a piece mold or slice mold by brushing way before brushing the products you want to copy or model brushing on a layer of release agent or release agent first, and then the silicone brushing the product above (Note : be sure to brushing uniform), wait 30 minutes, the surface paste a layer of gauze or a glass fabric to increase the strength, and then coated with a second layer of silica gel, such as silica gel was dried, do the outer mold, the outer mold can be used plaster or resin material.

2012年10月12日 星期五

On the choice of landscape painting palette brush skills

Hair full • top negative I cents, soft cents, and they cents and soft cents made ​​part milli Species. Meticulous drawing line drawing characters, bird bird pen the drapery pen leaves tendons pen, like Wooden Handle Brushes.
Etc., belongs night milli class Langhao. This pen to paper impervious cooked, cooked silk or Figure
Paintings on paper, the effect is smooth and straight, turning muscular; for tissue paper, generally its
Painting figures agricultural grain or hard props and tree, stone lining King. The Yang Hao pen is a soft-mm class.
Coloring used for rendering. It is more water content, the meticulous use it to set the ink bottom or coloring,
Is easy from dark to light, ink or color dye open SEVEN uniform, but not pen gangrene. Especially large
's Rendering of the area, but also non-Yang Hao not large area Pomo, rendering plants and painting large M1 •
Etc., need to pick up a pen with a large Yang Hao. There is also a long-Pound Yang Hao, although not as wolf
Mm stiffness, the front long water content, long lines can be pulled Health paper, while
And ink change from dark to light, continuous, uniform moisture depletion
Painting drapery, trees and rocks can. Chief cents is the most commonly used pen painting semi meticulous semi-impressionistic painting. 'It
Softness and hardness, can hook can dye. Usually used concurrently seven purple and three sheep (or five purple five cents
Sheep, three purple and seven sheep), large, medium, small white clouds pen, Including large, medium and small Baiyun pens.
The wide uses member, this WoodenHandle Brushes has ability to write the middle Langhao, Outer layer is Yang Hao, gently fan
Pen cents tip painting, like ruthless mm diameter very sharp pen, a little forced, under pressure, with its waist and
Roots, the advantages of the Yang Hao also slipped at the same time Sample.

2012年10月11日 星期四

What need to be prepared for knit men’s sweater?

See so many good-looking mens zipper sweater, want to own weave one? When they have this idea, but no start, is not it? Today I'll teach you to weave sweater.
First tool: knitting needle. Here I suggest you to choose according to their own knitting elastic. New wool, I suggest that you weave when woven pine point, so woven sweater feel better. If their organizations feel tight hand, you want to select the bigger needles sub to weave; contrary, if woven loose with a smaller needle sub organizations. In general, just learning to knit, woven are relatively tight. Buy needle midnight, you want to choose the larger size of the needle sub here generally buy wool merchants will tell you to use several needles sub, you plus one chant they say on the line . I usually woven tightly, so I will choose the larger size of the needle sub knitting. This woven sweater feel and texture are better. This woven sweater is best to five needles sub woven cylinder full of plain stitch, very convenient.
Third, is to buy wool, because it is the first time, I suggest not to buy too good yarn, but do not buy too bad, too bad the quality of the wool can not be achieved, not any containing wool, not feel good, wear it will not be warm. I use wool the Sanli brand a special price "combed anti-pilling wool imports 100%, and the model is 2777, the price is 27 RMB a pound to knit the mens zipper sweater. This sweater I bought eight ounces. If you can suggest to buy twenty-two, which can be lengthened because the weave sweater, you can add sleeves.
Several basic stitches in knitting before, you have to first learn the needles knitting elastic side, sleeves and neckline below the edge; again and needle; Fourth closing side, closing side is the method of weaving a needle in knitting the end of time. Several needles have a detailed description of the basic stitches.