2012年11月22日 星期四

Chinese motorcycle industry over the next 10 years.

At present, as any one in the motorcycle industry, I believe has the following similar experience: Whenever I enter a new circle of friends mentioned that he is engaged in the motorcycle industry will surprise a friend or not cut vision felt uncomfortable. Recall that when required to prop the relationship in order to get a sense of pride of a motorcycle Past and Present Where is? What was the reason?

On the one hand, as the rise of the world's largest economy, the arrival of the automobile age, especially under the car right now so congested into suffering trend, people still have one of their own private car and proud of the case, we have to lamented this gave birth to the strength of consumers' desire to buy a car. Bring their wares satisfaction in the eyes of consumers, car, far from belonging to the car as a means of transport for the core value of the goods is car Intangible feelings bring their goods, a social herd needs to meet; as the motorcycle industry in China, oncea motorcycle chrome bar end mirror will make people feel prouddespite the development of 30 years, but, this is still stuck in the value of the core product attributes for consumers to meet, and can not bring consumers satisfaction is no way to meet consumers' worth showing off vanity desires;

The other hand, as the population in terms of income is relatively lower level, and at the moment they have the motorcycle extremely similar core values ​​attributes the rapid development of electric cars, compared to a motorcycle, electric cars and motorcycles. big the purchase cost advantage and purchase non-listed, driver's license, duty-paid, and so after the purchase cost advantage, to the crowd in terms of demand as in cities and towns in search of convenience means of transport, their ideas, motorcycle electric vehicle to the alternative of motorcycle chrome bar end mirror.

