2014年1月13日 星期一

Wonderful Travel Souvenirs from Pairs

 I like traveling very much. From my point of view, travel is a kind of method to relax yourself, which help you broaden your horizon and touch the world. Every time I go travelling, I shall bring something special to be the souvenirs, which may be putted on my desktop. When introducing them to my friends, I shall tell them the experience of my trip on purpose. They are all pleasant to share my travel stories, making me feel quite content. The Eiffel Tower Keychain in my drawer and the Gold Stacking Rings worn on my finger are one of my travel souvenirs.

  That was my trip to Pairs this summer. When I achieved Pairs, I couldn’t wait to see the famous Eiffel Tower, which had attracted me for a long time since I read it in a passage when I was a child. To my surprise, it was more spectacular than what I had imagined. I admired the designer’s inspiration because I was a faithful fan of architecture. To remember the grand design, I bought an Eiffel Tower Keychain from an ornament shop. Its pendant was a golden Eiffel Tower model, which looked so cute that I liked it very much.

  When I was observing the keychain, the Gold Stacking Rings captured my attention. They are consisted of three rings of different colors. They can be worn jointly as well as independently. The design made it stand out from those ordinary rings, which was just the reason I bought it later. Taking my Eiffel Tower Keychain and Gold Stacking Rings back home, it seemed that I had got abundant harvest from this journey.

  Someone said putting your travel souvenirs on the desk is a sign of happiness, which means you are leading a relaxing life. Touch the Gold Stacking Rings on my fingers is like touch the wonderful memory about Pairs, so leisurely, so happy.

